23 Jun

Fractures, or broken bones, are common injuries that result in pain, discomfort, and immobility. While surgery may be necessary in some cases involving the use of orthopaedic implants, there are non-surgical methods available for the treatment of fractures. These approaches can be effective in certain situations and can help promote healing and recovery. In this quick guide, we will explore some non-surgical methods commonly used in fracture treatment.

Non-Surgical Ways of Treating a Fracture


One of the primary goals in fracture treatment is immobilizing the affected area to allow for proper healing. Immobilization methods can include the use of splints, casts, or braces, depending on the type and location of the fracture. These devices help stabilize the bone, prevent further damage, and promote alignment, allowing the fractured bone to heal naturally over time.


Traction involves the application of a pulling force to the fractured bone, typically using a system of weights, pulleys, and ropes. This technique is often employed for fractures that require realignment or to relieve pressure on the affected area. By gradually and carefully applying tension, traction can help restore the bone to its proper position, thereby facilitating healing.

External Fixation

External fixation is a method that involves the use of metal pins or screws inserted into the bone above and below the fracture site. These pins are then connected externally to a rigid frame or a specialized device. The external fixator helps stabilize the fractured bone, allowing for proper alignment and promoting healing. This technique is particularly useful for complex or open fractures where traditional casting may not be sufficient.

Functional Bracing

Functional bracing is a non-rigid method of fracture treatment that involves the use of specialized braces or supports. These devices are designed to provide stability while allowing controlled movement of the affected limb. Functional bracing is often employed for fractures in long bones, such as the tibia or fibula, and can aid in early mobilization and rehabilitation, promoting quicker recovery.

Electrical Stimulation

Electrical stimulation is a non-invasive technique that uses low-level electrical currents to promote bone healing. This method is based on the principle that electrical stimulation can enhance the regeneration of bone cells. It is often used in cases of delayed fracture healing or non-unions, where the fracture fails to heal within the expected timeframe. Electrical stimulation can help accelerate the healing process and improve bone density.

Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound therapy is another non-surgical option for fracture treatment. It involves the application of high-frequency sound waves to the injured area, which can stimulate blood flow and promote tissue healing. Ultrasound therapy is commonly used for stress fractures, as it can help reduce pain and accelerate the healing process.


Non-surgical methods for fracture treatment offer viable alternatives to surgical intervention in many cases. Immobilization, traction, external fixation, functional bracing, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound therapy are all effective approaches that can facilitate bone healing, reduce pain, and promote functional recovery. However, it is important to note that the appropriate treatment method will depend on the type, location, and severity of the fracture, as well as the individual patient's needs. Therefore, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional who can evaluate the specific circumstances and determine the most suitable non-surgical treatment option for each patient.If you want to explore a comprehensive range of healthcare products and technologies, and meet industry leaders, register for West Africa Pharma Healthcare Nigeria

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