28 Aug

A good bone density is important to maintain strong & healthy bones. When the requirement of minerals by bones is not met, they become weak and increase the risk of fractures. Weak bones can easily get fractured, and you never know when the situation becomes serious. Fractures sometimes need surgical intervention, and it may involve the use of Ortho Surgical Implants. So, it is always better to maintain proper bone density than making the condition worse.

In this post, we will discuss some lifestyle changes that could help you build strong bones and maintain a good bone mineral density.

How to Maintain Optimum Bone Mineral Density?

Bone density changes with age as the ability of the body to absorb minerals becomes weak with age, but still, paying close attention to your lifestyle could defy the odds of aging to a good extent. Let us see how you can improve bone density naturally:

Strength training and weightlifting

Strength training and weightlifting are known to promote the growth of new bone cells and help improve bone mineral density. Besides this, there are many other benefits of strength training as well:

  • Increase muscle mass
  • Increase bone size
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Provides protection against bone loss

Add vegetables to your diet

Vegetables are rich in almost all sorts of minerals required by our body, and hence, we must increase their consumption. They contain vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Most importantly, they are low in calories. One of the most abundant vitamins found in veggies is vitamin C, and it is known to be a potent antioxidant that prevents bone cell damage. Besides this, it is noticed that consumption of yellow and green vegetables helps promote bone growth in adults along with the increase in bone mineral density.

Bone loss becomes high in postmenopausal women, and hence, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to reduce the effects. In such women, it is seen that the consumption of cabbage, broccoli, and other veggies can reduce calcium loss.

Don’t miss the Calcium

Calcium is the key nutrient when it comes to bone health, thus, missing it in your daily diet could cause a serious issue. Dairy items like milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich in calcium, and hence, you must consume them daily. One of the best ways to meet the body’s calcium demand is to consume milk daily.

Calcium is also present in green leafy vegetables like kale, beans, and sardines.

Vitamin D and vitamin K are necessary too

Vitamin D is also essential when it comes to maintaining bone mineral density. This is because, without vitamin D, our body cannot absorb and utilize calcium properly. So, if ‘D’ is lacking in your diet, it doesn’t matter how calcium-rich your diet is, it will not get utilized. Vitamin D helps our body absorb calcium, and hence, optimum levels of both nutrients are important.

Vitamin K, especially the K2 is known to reduce loss of calcium thus, having it in your diet is important too. K2 also plays a vital role in binding minerals to bones, so, it assists in improving bone mineral density as well.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Healthy weight is also an important factor when it comes to maintaining good bone strength and bone mineral density. Underweight people have weak bones, and they are prone to get fractured, while on the other hand, similar is the case with overweight people. People with excessive weight can also get fractures because their bones cannot carry body weight for long. Thus, maintaining a healthy weight should be the priority.
These are some of the lifestyle changes that could improve your bone mineral density and help make life after 50 easy.

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